Faith Life
School Masses
St. Ann School students attend a School Mass twice a month. Members of our student chorus and band perform during the masses. A different grade takes responsibility for the readings. On alternate weeks, the individual classes have a chapel Mass. Family and friends are always welcomed to join our School Masses! Every homeroom has the opportunity to plan their own small Chapel Mass.
Chapel Mass
Every homeroom has the opportunity to plan their own small Chapel Mass.
Holy Communion
The sacraments of Penance (Confession, Reconciliation) and Holy Communion are typically celebrated for the first time in the second grade. Preparation is a two-year process. Typically, in first grade students gain a basic understanding of God, God’s love for them, and begins to help the child build a personal relationship with God in prayer and service. In second grade, our students learn about the sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion and learn of the abundant graces of God which they receive in both sacraments, as well as learning the ritual itself.
Our 8th grade students learn about the importance of Confirmation, a sacrament of initiation, by learning about God’s love and mercy through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The sacrament of Confirmation establishes young adults as full-fledged members of the faith.
Altar Serving
Students in grades 3 to 8 have the opportunity to altar serve during school masses, as well as Parishs Masses.
Prayer Buddies
Every student from PreK to 8th grade has a Prayer Buddy. Throughout the year our Prayer Buddies get together for fun community events and celebrations. Our Kindergarten students sit with their Prayer Buddies during School Masses. This program fosters special relationships among our students as our older students are wonderful role models for our younger students.
May Procession
May Procession is a beautiful tradition at St. Ann School. Students in all grades levels honor Mary as they process through the school and crown Mary at our May Altar. Our 8th Grade students also organize an evening Mass with the Parish of St. Ann to honor and crown Mary.
During the month of October, our students come together as a community every Monday to pray the Rosary together.