Home & School Association
The St. Ann Home & School Association, similar to PTO/PTA groups, promotes communication and cooperation between home and the school. Membership in the Association is free all parents and guardians of students attending St. Ann School, all members of the faculty and school administration, the school Principal and the Pastor of the parish. While we are not formally involved in the educational policy process, our Association does provide information for the school administration where the values, convictions, needs and desires of parents and educational matters are concerned.
Our Purpose and Objectives
To support and nurture a deeper appreciation of Catholic Education.
To raise and disburse funds for the support and benefit of the school.
To stimulate cooperation among the school community (faculty, staff, administration and parents) to help our children grow spiritually, intellectually, physically, and socially as good Christians and citizens.
To encourage active participation of members.
All parents are required to take the Protecting Gods Children Workshop. To get locations and times, as well as read the Youth Protection Policy and forms, visit the Diocese of Allentown website.
Your fundraising efforts support our many activities throughout the school year that our children might not otherwise enjoy. Sacramental Receptions, Graduation Dinner, Field Trips, Academic Awards and much more can only happen with your support.
Our primary fundraisers include: Walkathon, Designer Purse Bingo, Clothing Drive, and Blue Mountain Candle.
2023-2024 Home & School Association Board Officers:
Gwen Farkas
Crystal Husser
Jessica Moyer
Michelle Posch
Jilda Hodges-Ulicny