Student Health
The Health Room is located at the top of the stairs above the school cafeteria. A certified nurse staffs the Health Room every day. Teachers are not permitted to administer medicine to the students. Proper paperwork must be completed in order for medication to be administered during school hours. In addition to the school nurse a team of teachers are CPR & AED trained. The school has two AED machines available on the premises. We invite any interested community member to contact the school with any interest in being a member of our school health council.
It is important that all students entering school for the first time are properly immunized. In addition, all Kindergarten and 1st Grade students are required to have a physical and dental exam. All Health forms are provided to new students as part of the registration packet.
The health of all our students is a priority and therefore children are not permitted to come to school with a fever. Children must be fever free for 24 hours, without medication, before they may return to school. Students who vomit must be picked up from school and taken home. An excuse slip must be completed, signed by a parent/guardian and returned to school when a child misses school due to illness. After 3 consecutive days of illness, a doctor’s note is required.
Please refer to the Parent/Student Handbook for more detailed information on our Health and Absentee policies.